When you are on your home page, look at your list of groups on the left-hand side, under your profile picture. Run your cursor over the name of the group you would like to hide. If you let your cursor rest there for a minute, the group name will become shaded and a grey “x” will appear to the left of the group name. If you hold the cursor over the “x” you will see the phrase “Hide [group name]“.
By clicking on this button, you will effectively hide the group from your page. Neither you nor anyone else looking at your page will see this group listed under your profile picture. In addition, clicking on this button also brings up a pop-up window, like this:
This window allows you to select whether you want to hide the group for good, or allow it to reappear every once in a while (ostensibly, to remind you that it exists). The pop-up window also allows you to change other group settings, such as when and how to notify you of new posts; whether to notify you if anyone posts, or just a friend; and whether to allow chats to appear.
I’ve set my groups to notify me if a friend posts or comments, and I’ve turned off the setting that notifies me in email. I’ve allowed some groups to remain on my home page and hidden others.
This is a great feature, saving countless keystrokes and missteps that could happen by trying to change your group settings from your Facebook Security page, which is disastrously complex. It’s a quick and easy way to clean up what could otherwise be a cluttered home page – and an overflowing email in-box.
It’s also a handy way to hide a “closed” group without having to make it “secret”. Secret groups are problematic, in that if a member accidentally “leaves” the group, it’s nearly impossible to return.
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